Folcsida is the pan-germanic Anglo-Saxon tribal expression of Sedish belief, i.e. the traditional Germanic religion. Sedish derives from sidu, an Old English term meaning Custom, practice, or way; so, if one is Sedish, one is “of the way”. Likewise, Folcsida is derived from Folc and Sida, which together mean Folk-Ways or the Ways of our Folk; thus, providing a label for the many-godded folk belief of those who are primarily of Anglo-Saxon heritage and practice traditional heathendom. As a personal moniker, one is referred to as Folcsidish or a Folcsidishman. There are 18 Tenets defining the foundational religious philosophy of Folcsida.
The Folcsidish Tenets
- Sedianism embodies the traditional worldview of Germanic polytheism. Our religion manifests itself in the morality, customs, and practice of the faith as it has been handed down to us from our ancestral sources.
- Germanic Hierology is our guiding principle of our faith.
- We utilize the Epic Method as our principal method of reconstructing the ways of our forebears and developing a truly religious belief system.
- We have nine unsida, or wrong actions: folklying (slander), greed, harshness (cruelty), murder, oathbreaking (perjury), theft, ungodliness (sacrilege), untrueness (treason), and wedbreach (adultery). Violate the tenets of the Gods and face judgment accordingly.
- We have Nine Thews, or right actions: godliness (piety), guestliness (hospitality/generosity), kindness, mettle (courage), selfdom (independence), truthfulness (honesty), trueness (loyalty), uprightness (honor), and wisdom. We acknowledge these thews as holy and beloved by the Gods.
- Sedianism is the modern expression of our faith, and adapts itself to the present of the modern world, while still respecting the authenticity and authority of our fore-elders.
- We are Polytheists, and as such, we believe in the Gods and Goddesses as actual Powers within the natural universe.
- We do not abide pretenders within our ranks: Atheists, Secularists, anti-Christian reactionaries, or any that deny the divinity of our beloved Gods and Goddesses
- We believe in Immanent Divinity and deny the existence of the Supernatural. There is only Nature and nothing exists outside of it.
- The Sedian path is an ethnic path. Now and forever.
- As an ethnic organization, we recognize that this is merely the membership requirement of our tribes, and should not reflect an obsession with these ideas, but rather should be the catalyst by which we give our people their own spirituality and tradition.
- We do not accept or practice syncretism in any way, shape, or form. We have a pantheon that is of our people and thus it is disingenuous and disrespectful to devalue our system by inviting foreign elements.
- We recognize that the establishment of leadership must be developed by the holy laws of our faith, and that only through the institutions laid before us by Háma-Ríca will we succeed as a people.
- Kin is the epicenter of everything we do and children are our most precious, cherished, and protected asset; therefore, as a mandate, we must always strive to grow our Folk.
- Fatalism is a sacred tenet of our ancestral ways. As such, we recognize that law and order are the foundations of our faith, and to deny this is a rejection of the decrees of the Norns and the Gods as recorded by our hierology.
- We perform blót as a sacred exchange between gást and mód. Understanding this is pivotal to our spirituality.
- We understand that the foundation of our religion is education and will not accept leaders that are not backed by credentials from sacred learning institutions.
- We recognize a Pan-Germanic interpretation of the faith and reject theological tribalism.